[HPFGU-Movie] Casting

Richelle Votaw rvotaw at i-55.com
Fri Jan 24 02:28:06 UTC 2003

Nicholas wrote:

>Daniel Radcliffe doesn't look like *my* Harry (except in one brief shot),
>but I enjoyed his performance right up until his 'Clint Eastwood' moment in
>CoS, which was so out of character that I shuddered.

Ever since I read that JKR said they couldn't have found a better Harry Potter I was convinced.  Still, when I read the books I picture a sort of less good looking version of Daniel.  Make sense?  

Jo Serenadust writes:

>I agree that Daniel's acting style is more subtle than that of most 
>children his age, and I think that is what makes him so well suited 
>to play Harry.

I think it's the "old soul in a child's body" that Chris Columbus goes on about that gives him that certain quality.

>However, I strongly suspect that Toby Maguire's having played 
>Spiderman, and having gotten to kiss Kirsten Dunst (which Dan 
>mentioned he'd like to do) has a lot to do with 13 year old Dan's 
>choice of his favorite actor ;--).

That and the stunts (climbing). He said he loved the chamber scene, climbing on the statue and all, because he felt like Spiderman.  


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