Who is direction GOF and others?
Ximena Valdivia
xvaldivia at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 2 17:39:16 UTC 2003
--- In HPFGU-Movie at yahoogroups.com, "hpoldfan" <WFeuchter at m...> wrote:
> --- In HPFGU-Movie at yahoogroups.com, "Tim" <tmarends at y...> wrote:
> > --- In HPFGU-Movie at yahoogroups.com, "harrysfannyc"
> > >
> >
> > Or it could be that he's concerned about how fast they are
> up
> > and how it's taking more than a year to film each new film. PoA
> is
> > taking 18 months to film? How long will it take to film GoF and
> > OoP?? By the time we get there, on film, Dan, Ruppert and Emma
> will
> > be 17/18 playing 15/16. Emma might be able to pull it off, but,
> by
> > the rate Dan and Rupert are growing, the boys may not. CC might
> be
> > thinking that it would be better just to recast the whole lot of
> kids
> > should it get to that point.
> >
> > Tim
I read and article where it stated the dates for releases of the
upcoming films until OOP, it says:
POA: June 2004
GoF: December 2005
OOP: June 2007
So if there is a change of cast (Which I hope not) it would be for
OOP since they are taking a little of time off. I doubt that we are
going to see a change for GoF considering that it seems that they are
going to start shooting it right after POA
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