Who SHOULD have written and directed the movies?

Petra Pan ms_petra_pan at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 18 01:06:33 UTC 2003

Scott, in part:
> Whoever said Emma Thompson for the
> screenplay was inspired, she 
> would've been great.

I so agree - but then, I would since 
I mentioned Emma Thompson back in 
February (priori postis 5423).  I've 
since come up with another screenwriter 
who would also do a great job: 
William Goldman, who wrote the book 
"The Princess Bride" as well as the 
screenplay for the movie based on it.

> A more curious choice, maybe, but
> Ang Lee could be intersting as a
> HP director. Everything he's done
> has been really interesting, and he
> seems capable of succeeding in any
> genre of film he works in.

So if we get Thompson to adapt, Lee to 
direct, and Thompson to play a role, 
we could have Sense and Sensibility 
Redux...of sorts.  <g>  After all, 
Alan Rickman (Colonel Brandon/Snape), 
Gemma Jones (Mrs. Dashwood/Madam 
Pomfrey), and Elizabeth Spriggs 
(Mrs. Jennings/Fat Lady) all already 
have both HP and S&S in common.

BTW, I wonder what thoughts went through 
Ms. Thompson's mind when (if?) she 
watched that dueling scene between 
Branagh and Rickman...uhm...I meant 
Lockhart and Snape.  <g>

n  :)

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