My comments on CoS (long!)

grace701 grace701 at
Wed Mar 5 20:52:48 UTC 2003

Richelle wrote:
>43. Harry had his wand in his left hand when he entered the 
chamber. He's right handed.  

Calliope wrote: 
>That REALLY bugged me.

I understand your annoyance.  I get bugged all the time when I see 
Hermione with hers in her left hand when she says "alohamora" in 
SS/PS.  I supposed it's for camera/directorial purposes, but please 
spare us!

Richelle wrote: 
>52. The hug/no hug part.  Ron saved it, that's all I'll say.
>It made NO sense to cut out the H/H hug at the end of SS, but stick 
one in here at the end.  Very stupid.  Funny as heck, but stupid.

I don't have a problem so long as it's H/H hugging. ;)


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