Azkaban Casting

Petra Pan ms_petra_pan at
Sat May 10 01:42:01 UTC 2003

> I'm fairly new here, but I'm going
> to take a chance and throw my two
> knuts in.


> I would have suggested Ciaran Hinds
> of the Royal Shakespeare Company.
> He played in a wonderful movie
> called "Persuasion". Tall, dark haired,
> a voice you know anywhere, and
> 'young' enough to play Sirius after
> 12 years in Azkaban.

Funny you should mention Hinds and 
"Persuasion" since it's from my 
impression of Hinds from that 
performance that I am hoping that 
Snape will turn out to have a 
milder-mannered brother. <g> Hinds 
reminds me of Rickman when Rickman 
has his claws sheathed.  Hinds was 
also very good as President Nemerov 
in Sum of All Fears.

Lynda, in parts:
> I'm not a "detractor"

<blush>  Note to self: must wean self 
off of the spellchecker...

> He just isn't the physical type
> I pictured when reading the
> books, and that disappoints me.

Yup, that's one of those problems in 
adapting books into visual images 
that no one has yet been able to 
overcome: how to conform to as many 
of the mental images held by the 
books' fans as possible when there's 
such variety.

Petra, wondering why she's aka "Pert Pan"
a       and "HPFGU-Movie at"
n  :)

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