Dan in GoF

torillgrnhaug torillgrnhaug at yahoo.no
Wed Oct 1 21:20:55 UTC 2003

--- In HPFGU-Movie at yahoogroups.com, "sophiamcl" <sophiamcl at h...> wrote:
> --- In HPFGU-Movie at yahoogroups.com, "draco382" <draco382 at y...> wrote:
> > Hi Sophia,
> > Hang on...you sent him a b-day gift and also asked him if the rumors
> > about 
> > him quitting by the time of GOF were true, and he responded saying
> > that they 
> > were rubbish??  wow!!  I'd be thrilled...even though i'm well past
> > Dan's age.  
> I AM way past Dan's age...But let me clarify: I didn't ask about GoF 
> specifically, and he didn't tell me personally per se. The message
was a 
> pre-print letter, sent by a staffer no doubt, so I can't claim to
have been in 
> personal contact with Daniel Radcliffe. However, if he can put this
> in a letter that must go out to thousands of fans, it should be
pretty much a 
> done deal, don't you think?
> Sophia

I'm way past his age too. But I admit I sometimes browse the fan pages
and forums of all the trio, to check out for news and pictures.
(blushing even deeper than Sophia) It's kind of a slight obsesion of
mine with all the tree major kids, feeling like a proud and little
worried grandmother or something. At the forum at Danradcliffe.com,
someone posted a copy of a more recent letter from Dan received under
much the same conditions as yours, Sophia. There he says that he is
looking forward to working with Mike Newell. Definitely sounds like he
is in that film, doesn't it? From the discussion on the forums where
several fans has received letters in return for gifts, it seems people
get a preprinted standard letter, but where a few initial or finalling
lines are personal answers from Dan to what people has written to him.
So he probably does seem to read at least some of the letters himself.
Other fans -  probably the majority - only get a photograph with a
printed signature. Fans seem to think that to send a present is a sure
way to get a letter, but I haven't tried it myself. Maybe I will send
all three of them a small Christmas gift (blushing even more...)


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