[HPFGU-Movie] Re: Casting Voldy in GoF / general casting

Iggy McSnurd coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Sun Oct 5 20:26:23 UTC 2003

> Really, I agree; what was the deal back then, that Tim Roth was first
> in consideration for Snape, but he was otherwise committed, so the
> role went to Rickman?  Something like that I think.  Anyhow, I think
> he would have been quite good, too, but better for Sirius than for
> Snape.  Aside from Snape or Sirius, though, I can't think of what
> other part Oldman would be good for...

Hmmm... He might have made a passable Remus Lupin... Or maybe Crouch Sr...
(just an idea...)

> > > Kelley:  [Hopkins] He's still my pick for Moody.  Give him his
> long hair from "Zorro" and there you go. ;-)
> Iggy:
> > Hmmm... I think I could see that one.  Of course, I could also see
> Ian MacLellan (sp?) playing either Moody or Dumbledore... >>>
> Yeah, me too; I'd really like McKellen as Moody, actually.  He's
> always great.  Heh, how about Patrick Stewart as Vold?  Not *quite* a
> reversal of Magneto and Prof Xavier, but close...  ;-)

Actually, I just thought of someone who, IMHO, would make a GREAT Moody...
Malcom McDowall.

He has a face and mannerisms that would work well with some makeup... He can
get the quiet intensity well, along with the intense outbursts that Moody is
known for.

(As a side note about Patrick Stewart... I'm STILL pissed that they switched
from him to Arnold to play the role of Mr Freeze in "Batman and Robin."  It
was one of the worst decisions WB has ever made, since any good Batman fan
will tell you that Patrick Stewart IS Victor Freeze...  I hope that was one
of the reasons rumor has it that they got rid of Joel Shumacher... since he
was destroying the series, and got Tim Burton back to direct, with Frank
Miller supervizing the writing of the next script...)

> <snip>
> > > Kelley: You're right, I agree, Elwes can do malicious jerk really
> well, but as he's so great at comedic stuff, too, I really wanted him
> for Gilderoy.
> Iggy:
> > Hmmmm... What about Elwes as Karkaroff?  (I still can't wait to see
> who they cast as Madame Maxime...) >>>
> Now *that* would be interesting.  Hm, how about Christopher Plummer
> (for Karkaroff)?  Actually, he's about the right age for Vold,
> too....hmmm... ;-)

Actually, Elwes would kinda look right for Barty Crouch Jr... wouldn't he?

Lemme see... looking for Plummer on the web-site...

Hmmm.. they have 2 different listings for the name...  *mutter*

Nope... Can't see it.  I'd be looking at his face and thinking of Reverend
Jonathan Whirley from the Dan Aykroyd / Tom Hanks version of Dragnet.  (It's
the first thing that popped into my head when I saw his pic..)

Now, if they'd suspend the rules about using only British actors (with the
exception, of course, of Chris Columbus' daughter... *chuckle*) I would have
a couple of ideas...

Edward Herrmann... he played Max in "the Lost Boys".  (the vampire movie
filmed in my hometown of Santa Cruz, California... Yes, I know.. They call
it Santa Carla, but that's the official alias for Santa Cruz in the movies.
And yes, back int he 1970's, it WAS the mass murder capital of the world, so
a lot of the comments they make are almost inside jokes for us Santa
Cruzans...)  He'd have to lose some weight, but I think he could make it
work as Voldie... Or not bother losing the weight and make a good Karkaroff.

Crispin Glover.  Use makeup to age him a bit, or go with the fact that his
new body is younger because of the "ingredients" and you'd have a pretty
good LV.  (I think he'd also love the role because that's just the way
Glover is.  He playes the nut-job, psycho, creepy roles because he LOVES
them... and is more than a bit nuts in RL.  An article in Time magazine a
number of years back had a photo of him sitting in his favorite chair... an
antique, stainless steel, gynecologist's examination chair.)

>> Have someone else play Crouch Jr. (It's a technique that's been used
>> quite often... *grin*) >>>

> Lol!  Did someone already suggest this (can't recall how this came to
> me) -- but, how about Paul Bettany for Crouch Jr.?

Oh, just looked up his bio.  He would do a good job... but... I think I can
see him in some other role...   AHA! I got it!  (see below for the idea...)

(And I LOVED him in the role of Chaucer in "A Knight's Tale.")

hmm... which brings me to an interesting idea... Heath Ledger as Crouch Jr.

Now, going a fun step, and dying their hair red...

Paul Bettany as Charlie Weasley, and Heath Ledger as Bill!   *grin*

Iggy McSnurd
the Prankster

"Once you have pulled the pin from Mr. Grenade,
  he is no longer your friend."


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