[HPFGU-Movie] Sirius/Oldman's tatoos

Iggy McSnurd coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Tue Oct 7 14:17:12 UTC 2003

> And then I saw the
> brands on his chest and both my oldest son and I said at the same
> time 'Tatoos?'. Oh well, at least the man can act so I have high
> hopes he will do a decent Sirius. I can over look the adornments on a
> character in a movie as long as they can act.

Where can I find the picture to see these tattoos everyone is talking about?

Iggy McSnurd
the Prankster

*clears his throat and speaks in a melodramatically imperious tone*
"An ABS FIRECAT shall not be wasted on a single line letter."

-- Iggy, feeling a bit silly...

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