[HPFGU-Movie] Re: Sirius/Oldman's tatoos & hair

Iggy McSnurd coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Wed Oct 8 13:34:49 UTC 2003

 From: "alshain

> I'd have liked the hair longer too, but I'm not going to worry
> overmuch about it. The waist-length tangle Sirius is shown wearing in
> PoA looks better (not better, obviously, but you know what I mean)
> seen with the mental eye than on screen, where it might just look
> corny.

That's odd, since I never thought of him as having waist-length hair.  I
figgured that his hair would be a lot like that of el Mariachi in
"Desperado."  (el Mariachi being played by Antonio Banderas in the second
movie, "Desperado," and third one "Once Upon a Time in Mexico.")  His hair
was long, just past his shoulders, and always falling over his face unless
he tied it back.

(This similarity with how Snapes appears in the movies is, perhaps, the main
reason I still keep seeing Alan Rickman as the base for Sirius in my mind's
eye... Looking a little different than Snapes, but fairly similar im some of
his mannerisms and hairstyle while in PoA...)

> Is there an expert on hair growth in the audience, BTW? I recall
> having read somewhere that hair doesn't grow as fast on males as on
> females and that it won't grow as long.
> Alshain

Well, lemme see...

I shave my head, and would have to do so every day to avoid a full cranial
"five o'clock shadow."  The hair on my scalp grows at about the same speed
as the hair on my face...  And my hair actually (if I stopped shaving my
head) would probably return to my former length in about a month... and that
was a fairly standard "banker's length" haircut.  (A habit from my 4 years
as a bank teller...)  This pretty much boils down to my hair growing faster
than my wife's.  (And my 2 1/2 year old daughter has never had a pair of
scissors touch her hair yet, and she still has fairly short hair.)

My wife's ex husband has hair almost down to his waist, as does an old
housemate of mine, and they've had their hair like that for as long as I've
known them.  When you consider that both of them are 6'3" and long in the
torso, this means about halfway down the glutes on a female with hair the
same length.  I've only known one female with hair that long...

There's also the fact that, if you shave the hair in an area repeatedly, it
will grow back thicker and faster.  (Which, for example, is why the hair on
a woman's legs who doesn't shave her legs is finer and softer than that of a
woman that does.)  The hair will grow back stronger, faster, and thicker so
as to better protect that area from irritation and cold.

Hope that helps.

Iggy McSnurd
the Prankster

"BUCKLE UP!  (It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your


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