[HPFGU-Movie] Re: Sirius/Oldman's tatoos & hair

Laura Ingalls Huntley lhuntley at fandm.edu
Wed Oct 8 16:25:38 UTC 2003

> Didn't every time Aunt Petunia got Harry's hair cut, it would
> magically grow back over night??  Who says Wizard's hair grows the
> same as Muggle's hair??  Just my two knuts worth.

That actually only happened once, after Harry was given a haircut so 
horrendous that he was terrified of going to school and getting made 
fun of.  Because of this, he accidentally did wandless magic to make it 
grow back overnight.

Otherwise, the books just state that Harry's hair is always messy, no 
matter how often it's cut.

Laura (who can't get that "Hair" song that her mom always used to sing 
out of her head.)

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