British and US Actors (Was: Casting Umbridge)
kirst_inn at
Mon Oct 20 12:07:37 UTC 2003
I think that the reason many Brits (myself and JKR included)are
against American casting is more to do with resisting what I would
call "Hollywoodisation" than concern about accent authenticity. It's
similar to the horror felt by fans at Spielberg's proposals for the
series (cheerleaders at Quidditch matches, Hayley-Joel as Harry,
etc). I suppose we'd feel a bit colonised, were Macauly Culkin to pop
up as Cedric, or Alec Baldwin to flash his chest hair about before
turning into Snuffles. Kathy Bates I don't mind so much, but I can
certainly understand why JKR instituted the ban (which, IIRC,
alllowed Antipodeans and Europeans).
To be honest, I wondered rather if Susan Bones' elevation to speaking
part in OoP had anything to do with reaction to CC's casting.
Obviously, with or without CC as exec. producer on OoP, they'll have
to re-cast her if she makes it past Kloves' cutting room.
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