[HPFGU-Movie] Tim Curry

Iggy McSnurd coyoteschild at peoplepc.com
Thu Oct 23 23:36:20 UTC 2003

from Whizbee2000:
> I also thought that Tim Curry would be an interesting
> possibility...although I can't get the idea of him in garter belts
> singing "Sweet Transvestite" out of my mind. He's a wonderful
> character actor though.

Iggy here:

Ya know... It seems that SOMEONE else here (*taps himself on the chin
repeatedly*) made this suggestion weeks ago...

Unfortunately, it didn't meet with very popular approval in part because
some people think he would be too campy in the roll, and isn't thin enough
anymore.  Personally, I think he'd be willing to lose the weight for the
role and would play it maliciously enough when inspired.  Besides... who
says that they won't just use the voice and either use animatronics or CGI
to create Voldemort?

Iggy McSnurd

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