Bigger names + bigger pay = smaller budget?

Scully931 scully931 at
Tue Aug 24 01:59:45 UTC 2004

Yes, he annoyed me greatly as well. I couldn't even understand half 
of what he said anyway. Not to pick on a kid, but, he was just 
unnecessary. (<----I can never spell that word right.) My friend and 
I laughed every time he came on, because despite being the bearer of 
omens and bad news, it came across as comical to us. 


[snip]Lynda: That Gryffindor boy annoyed  me -- he just didn't 
belong -- 
> he wasn't sorted into Gryffindor in the first  movie, so he 
wouldn't be in 
> their Divination class unless he's a transfer  student, y'know?  
How dumb does WB 
> think we are to be foisting strangers  off on us and expecting us 
to accept 
> that these are third-year  Gryffindors?  argh. . . .   
> Lynda
> "The cat's among the pixies now." Mrs. Figg,  OoP
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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