[HPFGU-Movie] streaking Draco/second task
Valerie Flowe
valerie.flowe at verizon.net
Fri Jul 30 00:52:26 UTC 2004
From: artsylynda at aol.com
-- there are some fans (I've read somewhere on some message board, can't
think right now which one, sorry) who think Harry is a shrimp, skinny, not
well-developed, because he was half-starved as a little boy (and because of
Ron's line in Divination, where he says "a midget in glasses was born" meaning
Harry). I've read some posts expressing concern about how big Dan Radcliffe
is, that he doesn't look like "poor little Harry." Yet we read, repeatedly,
how well Hogwarts feeds the students. Dan Radcliffe has developed quite a set
of muscles from his gymnastics training or whatever else he's doing for his
stunt training. I don't know if Quidditch is physical enough to develop the
upper body strength in Harry that shows on Dan, but it will be interesting to
see if they do decide to use a body double for Dan, if they go with someone as
muscular as he is, or as spindly as some people think Harry should be. I
personally think they'll let Dan's muscles show (if only to keep his teen fan
base excited, heehee)
[from Valerie]
It's funny because in COS, Harry looked so tall (I'm thinking of the Burrow
scene in the beginning). I suppose that's because he'd made a big jump from
little Harry in SS, to Harry-reaching-puberty, with the deeper voice.
Still, when I see him in interviews and POA he looks so much shorter than Ron
and Malfoy, so that makes me think of him as still somewhat small/frail for his
Wouldn't mind seeing those muscles he's been working on, though, in the
prefects bath scene! :-P
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