MESSAGE - Chicago Tribune interview request

hpfgu_list_elves hpfgu_list_elves at
Wed Jun 2 13:44:08 UTC 2004

Hi there!

NOTE: discussion of the following that 
does not involve canon should as always take 
place only on OTC.

An interview request from the Chicago Tribune
has arrived here at Hexquarters and we are
looking for all adult (18 or over) HPfGU 
members who are residents of Chicago.  Please 
contact us at 

(minus the extra space)

ASAP for the chance to talk to the reporter 
before the very tight deadline (Wednesday, 
June 2nd). We will do our best to hook you 
up with the reporter before the window of 
opportunity closes. Please be sure to 
include your name as well as your telephone 
number and we'd appreciate knowing the Yahoo 
ID associated with your membership here.

Because the article is going to be about 
Harry Potter's mass appeal, how he's a kid 
adults can relate to, the adult/universal 
themes that can be found in the books, etc., 
be advised that you probably should prepare 
brief answers to these:

- Why does Harry Potter appeal so much to 

- Why do you, personally, like the series 
so much?

- Your age, place of residence, profession 
(also of interest: married or unmarried, 
has kids or not)

On the off chance that the reporter asks 
for concise and quotable sound bites from 
non-Chicago residents too, we'd like to 
ask for everyone's input. If you have ever 
written (or have the time now to write) 
answers to the above questions, please 
email them to us at 

(minus the extra space)

as soon as you can.  If any of you out 
there are willing and able, we hope you 
will participate...and really, this is surely 
one of our favorite topics here at HPfGU.

This message might seem slightly unusual, but 
it seems to be a great opportunity to publicise 
our group and we are sure that many of our 
members will welcome the chance to be involved.

Thank you very much! We now return you to 
the regularly scheduled programming of 
merrily meandering discussion threads.

:) Penapart Elf
for the List Admin Team

REMINDER: discussion of the above that does 
not involve canon should as always take place 
only on OTC 

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