[HPFGU-Movie] Y Tu Mama reference in PoA

Tim Regan (Intl Vendor) v-tregan at microsoft.com
Mon Jun 7 15:35:54 UTC 2004

Hi All,
<Mandy>I have a question about the delightful moment in the film when
HRH are standing on top of the hill about to watch Buckbeak get the
chop.  Hermione buries her head in Ron's shoulder with her arms around
his neck, and Harry gently puts his arms around Hermione and then the
three of them hug in a very tender way.  

Is this is a nod to Curon's film Y Tu Mama Tambien?  I know that Y Tu
Mama is a story of seduction between two teen boys and older woman, so
it would fit, and Curon seems to be naughty enough to do something like
that.  Who out there who has seen Y Tu Mama help with this one?

I'm renting the DVD this week</Mandy>
Boy Mandy, you are in for a shock. The tone of the scene you describe in
PoA, and the tone of the triangle in Y Tu Mama Tambien are too different
for it to be a cross-reference (unless there are some very weird scenes
on the PoA cutting room floor). I cannot find the interview now, but
Cuaron described PoA as a movie about a boy entering adolescence, and
YTMT as a movie about a boy(s) leaving adolescence. I think that's the
best way to think about the relationship between the movies.

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