[HPFGU-Movie] Digest Number 948

TripChick tripchick at rogers.com
Sun Jun 13 14:32:08 UTC 2004

On Sunday, June 13, 2004, at 05:26  AM, HPFGU-Movie at yahoogroups.com  

I'm replying to a couple of messages from digest mode, so please  
forgive the jumping around (Hey, I'm Alfonso Cuaron too! )

> _______________________________________________________________________ 
> _
> Message: 1
>    Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2004 06:58:17 -0400
>    From: "joj" <joj at rochester.rr.com>
> Subject: Re: Five more things I loved and didn't love about PoA
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Heather Maffioli"
>> Joj:
>> 4.  Outside of the Whomping Willow, when Ron tells Hermione his leg  
>> might
> have to be chopped off.  It seemed a real awkward scene to me, and he
> repeated it twice.  For some reason, that scene just didn't work for  
> me.
>> I think AC (or SK) was trying to paralell Ron's trying to impress  
>> Hermione
> with the Draco/Pansy bit earlier in the film.  It seemed to me they  
> were
> just saying "look at the silly things all boys do to get girls to fawn  
> over
> them".
>> JMO~~Heather
> Yeah, I know.  It seems a cute idea on paper, but it just didn't work  
> for me
> in the movie. Kinda like the Harry crying scene.  On paper it sounds
> touching, but I don't think it came off great in the movie.  JMO

part of the reason it didn't work much for me either I think, is  
because we ended up only *hearing* Ron and Hermione by the last part of  
their exchange, in a voiceover because we were *watching* Harry and  
Sirius walk to a spot where they could see Hogwarts castle (Sirius  
talking about looking forward to going into it again as a guest rather  
than a prisoner) and I was already paying attention to Harry and Sirius.


> Message: 3
>    Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2004 20:09:31 -0000
>    From: "sophiamcl" <sophiamcl at hotmail.com>
> Subject: apologies
> Sorry about using a swearword at the end of the last post. It was of
> course meant as a reference to Ron, but as a Swede, I don't know what
> level of swearing that actually is,

I don't think that word is *that* bad Sophia :-) I was offended. Not  
when I  see the F and S and C words regularly in some yahoo group  
posts... (not here)

> Message: 4
>    Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2004 13:25:07 -0000
>    From: "shydi60" <shydi60 at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: Fear the grime, not the Grim!
>> The only two places this "grime" bothered me was in Harry's room at  
>> the
>> Leaky Cauldron and Dumbledore's fingernails.  I also hated the   
>> rubberband in
>> Dumbledore's beard.  WTF?
>> Joj, who still loved the movie :P

I totally agree with this! Dumbledore and dirty and overly long nails?  
Euw! Unless he's the auto shop teacher.... Then again, do those nails  
remind you of the nails/talons/claws (whatever) of any particular kind  
of animal? I've thought Dumbledore was an Animagus from the first time  
I read PoA myself. Maybe he's an owl?

And the rubberband. Ugh! I think they should have made his beard more  
like the one they had on Richard Harris. I know it's not the same  
actor, but sheesh, it IS the same character. Did they have to change  
him *that* much?


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