[HPFGU-Movie] Re: A question about dementors
elfnorc at voyager.net
Tue Jun 15 12:12:21 UTC 2004
I am just relistening to Order of the Phoenix on BOT and when Harry goes
after the demontors that are attacking him and Dudley the text mentions
that they soar away. I had not remembered a reference to their soaring
before so this surprised me.
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> <tt>
> --- In HPFGU-Movie at yahoogroups.com, "lumos28" <anita_sathe at p...> <BR>
> wrote:<BR>
> > <BR>
> > Hi all,<BR>
> > <BR>
> > Its been a while since I read the books. But something's been <BR>
> > bothering me like hell. Do the dementors really SOAR across the sky <BR>
> > as it has been shown in the movie? I always thought they used to <BR>
> > glide...<BR>
> <BR>
> <BR>
> I don't know. It threw me at first too that they were flying over <BR>
> Hogwarts. I'd always pictured them standing around the gates, trying <BR>
> to claw their way in. Guess we all have our own interpretations. But, <BR>
> after having had some time for reflection, I decided that I actually <BR>
> like the way that they were depicted in the movie. They seemed to be <BR>
> more oppressing/impressive the way that they seemed to hover over the <BR>
> castle. But then I was talking to a friend tonight, who said that <BR>
> they were just the way she'd kind of imagined them, so as I said, its <BR>
> all in your own perceptions....<BR>
> Bec<BR>
> <BR>
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