Sirius: The Casting Game
teilani2002 at
Sun May 16 20:05:14 UTC 2004
> teilani2002 at y... writes:
> >>Hey all, new to the movie group, but not so new in the book
> Anyways, re: Oldman as Sirius. I understand that Oldman is a good
> actor, but according to JKR, Sirius is supposed to be drop dead
> gorgeous. <<
>Rebecca wrote:
Firstly, you can't be sure if she's referring to Sirius of the past
> school and the few years between that and Azkaban) who is quite
good looking, or
> the older Sirius who she herself describes as both looking like a
vampire and
> looking like a corpse in PoA. Also, since I *only* read the books
before OotP
> came out and I got involved in fandom, the Sirius I had in my head
was *only*
> from those descriptions and that didn't involve anyone "gorgeous"
(for a list of
> Sirius description references look upthread, there was a list
posted about
> two days ago).
> Anyway, would you rather have someone "hot" playing the role, or
> who's a good actor? (not saying that the other actors you're
thinking of are
> 'bad', just that if you look at Gary Oldman's work, you'll see he's
a fantastic
> actor). It worries me that so many people are worried about what
Sirius *looks*
> like, when there is so much more to him than that. Personally, he's
my favorite
> character, and after I heard who was cast to play him, I went and
watched a
> bunch of Gary Oldman movies and became convinced that he was
perfect for the
> role. He has the intensity that Sirius has (and he has dark hair
and he's
> british and thin, so he fits the description good enough for me).
As for other
> casting, I haven't heard of anyone else being considered for the
> You're entitled to your opinion and all that (and if you're
determined to
> hate the casting, then you will), but at least wait till the movie
comes out and
> complain about something more than just what he looks like.
Hey, I'm actually a huge movie buff and do think Gary Oldman is an
excellent actor. And yeah, JKR was probably talking about the young
Sirius Black rather than the older one. I read a lot as well, and
it's usually difficult for me to read the book and then watch the
movie, b/c you know, other people's visions can rarely meet up to
your own imagination, and besides which, movies always have to leave
stuff out, reposition stuff, etc. I read, then reread Shogun, which
was really excellent, then watched the *unbelievably* bad mini-
series. The only movie I can think of off hand that's better than
the book (imho) is Gone With the Wind.
Sorry to get OT there. Just wanted to say that I do know Oldman's a
great actor. The unfortunate thing is that I don't find him very
attractive. Even when he was Dracula, who's supposed to be hot and
charismatic, etc., while I did love the movie, and his performance,
he still wasn't my cup of tea. And the guy I mentioned before,
Greard Butler, actually played Dracula in Dracula 2000. Now, I know
Dracula 2000 wasn't as good as the one based on the book, but the
guy's just cuter, imho.
I knew I'd get some flack for writing that because Oldman is a great
actor, but I know so many people that agree with me, and they're
movie fans as well, that I thought I'd throw that out there. And I'd
still like to know who else tried for the part.
Sorry about not looking up stuff in the archives. I haven't really
gotten a handle on that yet :-0
Susan (teilani)
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