[HPFGU-Movie] Re: SHIP evidence? +PoA soundtrack

Hermione81 hermione81 at free.fr
Tue May 18 00:21:43 UTC 2004

>>   pig. I see her more compatible with Harry).>>
>>   See, I think the same way! I just see Hermione and Harry together.
> Now someone
>>   on the book list said that is just getting the chemistry of the
> two actors on
>>   the movies mixed up with the real characters in the book.  Maybe
> they are right,
>>   but when I read the books, Hermione reminds me of Lily, Harry's
> mother, and therefore
>>   I could see him falling in love with her in the end.  Kind of like
> how James fell in
>>   love with Lily... Like father, like son... James' friends are
> always saying how Harry
>>   is a lot like his dad.  I could maybe see Ron as Hermione's first
> boyfriend, but 
>>   not in the long run.  Of course, that is just my opinion and I
> know that is a big
>>   debate among some fans.  I just keep reminding myself that this is
> not a romance
>>   novel. LOL! 
> Kimberly
then imamommy:
> Boy, we all love this topic!  I am personally an H&H shipper, and was
> delighted to see this still shot frome PoA
> http://mugglethai.com/galleries/poa/poapic61.jpg
> They sure do look googly-eyed!  I know, I know, it's not any kind of
> real proof, but even in CoS (particularly the scene when Harry first
> sees Hermione in Diagon Alley and she fixes his glasses) I got an
> inkling that either the actors had more chemistry than they were
> supposed to, or else they were playing some subtext.  I keep hoping
> that one day Harry will wake up and figure out she's perfect for him!
> Maybe this belongs on the book list, but while I'm on the subject, my
> husband (much to my chagrin) has formed the unromantic opinion that
> romantic feelings will be inconsequential in the final outcome of the
> story.  He thinks it's in there just as part of growing up, but that
> it is not very important.  One way or another, I hope he's      wrong,
> because I like a little true love thrown in to an adventure story.
> imamommy

Now me (Mathilde):

*takes 'Pumpkin Pie' flag out and waves frantically*
Hello to all H/H shippers out there and please welcome a dedicated french
mate aboard! :)
I also happen to think exactly the same way, Hermione and Harry are such a
perfect match! I am not too sure about the Hermione-Lily/Harry-James
connection, although I must say, Kimberly, that it certainly is a very
interesting way of looking at it, and you do have a point there. But there
is obviously more to the Harry-Hermione chemistry than just a repetition of
the James-Lily scheme (especially since they didn't start quite as badly as
Harry's parents did...)
As for me, I always get the feeling that Hermione understands Harry in a
much more profound way than anyone else... And the same goes about Harry,
who is so much more 'attuned' to Hermione than Ron ever will be. They both
care about each other's feelings, and are more steady in their loyalty.
Don't get me wrong, I love Ron, he's a great character and a very sweet boy
in many ways, but I always get extremely irritated when I see how quick he
is to get angry/jealous and influenced by the public opinion or by what he
thinks is evidence (examples? the your-nasty-furball-ate-my-poor-rat case in
PoA, the Harry-did-you-put-your-name-in-the-cup-without-telling-me and the
Hermione-are-you-pactizing-with-the-ennemy issues in GoF.) Although one
could argue that all this affected only their friendship so far and doesn't
have much to do with romance (except maybe the Krum case), it does show one
thing: that Ron has problems when it comes to trust. And isn't trust an
essential aspect in a romantic relationship?
I could also see Ron becoming Hermione's first boyfriend while they're still
at school (although it actually means I would spend a terrible time having
to read it in book 6 and/or 7!), but I don't think their relationship would
be viable in the long run... But back to movies-related discussion!

I was glad to read I'm not the only one getting that H/H vibe when watching
the Diagon Alley scene in COS! (by the way, imamommy, what do you think of
that scene when Harry and Ron visit petrified Hermione in the hospital wing
and Harry strokes Hermione's hand? I know it's just a way of making Harry
finding the piece of crumbled parchment that will give them all the answers,
but still........)
And what can I say about the (utterly adorable) pic you linked to,
imamommy... Just LOVE it! My mum and I both jumped to the ceiling and
squealed with pleasure when we first saw it some weeks ago, shouting 'this
is soooo Pumpkin Pie!'  ;)  (yes, I've been spending much too much time on
Fiction Alley)

I guess my view is very influenced by the movies, and by the great chemistry
between Dan and Emma onscreen ‹and, also, apparently, off-screen; cf various
interviews, on The Leaky Cauldron or the recent PoA preview on abc... It was
so funny to watch, that preview, when Dan starts saying that stuff about the
fact that 'if textbooks did have teeth and were that vicious, you would
definitely pay more attention in class', Emma finishes his sentence together
with him. It was really cute, and a nice surprise, for I have always
pictured Harry and Hermione as being those kind of people (no matter if they
are romantically involved or just best friends) who would often finish each
other's sentences. :)  It's really funny to see how much the Trio kids seem
to grow more and more like their characters!

Ah, well, I guess I am now completely off-topic and should better stop,
although it's always so nice to discuss the never-ending topic of possible
relationships in HP. I also happen to like a little true love thrown in to
an adventure story, and although I don't think romantic feelings will be the
ultimate determining factor in the outcome of the story, I still think it
will have its importance. But more than everything, it is simply love in the
broader acception of the word (as in brotherly and friendly love as well as
romantic love) that will be the central theme. (*cue to Mathilde developping
her wild theories of a Ron sacrifice in the final confrontation, only to
realize that *that* would be *definitely* off topic.)

In the meanwhile, surely JK still has loads and loads of surprises/shockers
in store for us! Can't wait to see PoA, since it will apparently contain
more clues about the future...


PS: While I'm on the subject... Is it just an impression I got, or is there
a demographic distinction between H/H and R/H shippers? I often get the
feeling that R/H are a majority of teenagers, whereas young adults and
grown-ups tend to be more in favour of a H/H romance (I myself qualify as a
'young adult'). But maybe that's just me. What do you enlightened HP fans

PS2: Are you all aware of the PoA soundtrack listening party on AOL? Here's
the link, it's well worth a check:


I really like this new Williams score. It is like a patchwork of various
styles and influences, and like the first two is at the same time magic,
poetic and humorous. Love Aunt Marge's Waltz (isn't it the first waltz ever
in a HP score?), love the Prokofiev influence that can be heard so often
throughout the scores of all three movies so far... But I think my favorite
bit at the moment in PoA is the 'bernsteinian' take on the Knight Bus
‹sounds like a performance of a symphonic suite from West Side Story going
completely awry! it's so perfect for the Knight Bus... Merlin, this music
must be so much fun to perform! *big sigh*

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