[HPFGU-Movie] Details

artsylynda at aol.com artsylynda at aol.com
Fri Dec 9 14:00:48 UTC 2005

In a message dated 12/9/2005 7:25:20 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
HPFGU-Movie at yahoogroups.com writes:

>>I read a few posts here about all the wonderful details that  fans have 
been noticing in GOF. Besides the amazing ensemble acting and  Daniel 
Radcliffe's fabulous performance, this film has really pleased me  the 
most out of all the HP movies so far (I've seen it twice now on IMAX,  
worth every penny, and twice on a regular screen).  <<
I'm planning to see it in IMAX next week -- what other details did  you 
notice that I should look for?

>>Has anyone else noticed that when the trio 
finds  Neville on the stairs after Moody's class and he then follows 
Moody to  have tea, the image in the stained glass window that 
is 'crying rain' is  actually Neville's face? <<
I noticed the crying face, but did NOT notice it was  Neville's!!!  Now that 
you mention it, it does resemble him!  I'll  look at it again more closely 
next time!  Thanks for pointing that  out!

>>(I hadn't even noticed 
that Nagini was moving around on the  big WB sign at the start of the 
She was????  Yikes, I need to see the movie again  SOON!

>>  She also pointed out that there is a copy of HP and the GOF 
on the table  in the common room when Harry is speaking with Sirius' 
head in the  fireplace...<<
You're kidding, a copy of JKR's book there?  That's just weird  (and 

>>  I missed that too. I guess I'll just have to 
go back and see GOF again  (and again... and again...)!    <<
Me too!  Okay, so what else should we look for?  Someone  mentioned a certain 
gravestone, but didn't say what to look for on it.  I  was SUPPOSED to go see 
the film yesterday in Imax, but we had a heavy winter  storm hit us, so my 
friend and I very INTELLIGENTLY stayed home instead of  driving the 90+ miles 
each way to the Imax!  I need a GoF movie fix - tell  me more!!!!  (Yeah, I've 
seen it 3 times on a regular screen, but missed  all those details you 

Lynda AKA "Abraxan"

Read my Harry Potter fics here:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPRefinersFire/

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