One Scene from POA

laurenmcoakley laurenmcoakley at
Tue Dec 27 17:38:30 UTC 2005

Hi there, 
I just thought I'd come out of the woodwork to put in my 2 cents 
from the perspective of someone who saw this film BEFORE reading the 
book (which, I'm not sure is a popular perspective).

1. I loved this film.  The visual effects were absolutely stunning, 
and it seems no one disagrees with me here.

2. And did I mention the MUSIC?  I just LOVE this soundtrack, I just 
got it for Christmas, have been playing it nonstop, and find it 
preferable to GoF's.

...But the characters...While they do differ in slight ways from the 
book, I don't think their integrity is changed.  The scene with 
Harry crying under the cloak may not have been in the book, but I 
think it was a powerful scene visually, and also helps you see the 
depth of the friendship that these kids have with one another.  In 
fact, there are many scenes in this film that I believe illustrates 
that more powerfully than the book.  For instance, the scene where 
the trio views the execution.  That was a very powerful scene as 

As someone who has seen the movies (1, 2 & 3) before reading the 
books, I can see where Mr. Cuaron glazed over a few points (most 
notably, the patronus), but overall this scene in particular doesn't 
seem out of place in context.

Dan's acting skills, on the otherhand, could maybe have been a 
little bit better, but he has totally topped himself with the crying 
scene in GoF over Cedric's dead body.  Very chilling.

--- In HPFGU-Movie at, Susanne <siskiou at v...> wrote:
> Hi,
> Monday, December 26, 2005, 10:43:49 AM, rdas at f... wrote:
> > Why in the world use that dreadful scene? To what end did 
> > it serve? Was it an unavoidable mistake? Did it give us something
> > necessary about Harry? Please, if you have any thoughts, share 
> Well, I actually think Cuaron took a lot of missteps in this
> movie, all related to characterization, so this scene is
> just one of many that make this movie one I have no desire to
> re-watch (after seeing it twice in the theater, hoping I'd
> like it better on the second run).
> He made a beautiful movie, but I didn't recognize the three
> main characters much at all.
> I'm not sure about the crying scene in particular.
> Maybe another nod to one of Cuaron's other movies?
> Maybe he thought this was the easiest (or most dramatic) way
> to explain the Pettigrew back story without going into much
> detail?
> Or maybe he thought Harry needed to be more emotional?
> -- 
> Best regards,
>  Susanne                           mailto:siskiou at v...

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