[HPFGU-Movie] Best character scenes

artsylynda at aol.com artsylynda at aol.com
Tue Nov 22 15:54:44 UTC 2005

Sorry, I have WAY more than one fav per actor!  below. .  .

Dan: Standing up to face Voldemort; Bringing Cedric's body back; asking  Cho 
to the ball; dribbling juice; jumping away from Myrtle in the bathtub and  all 
his embarrassment at her trying to peek!  heeheehee  Oh, and him  teasing Ron 
about the "bonnet" with his dress robes, and asking the twins if  they'll 
ever let Ron live down dancing with McG, and Harry's total teenage  sports hero 
thing of being on the Gryff's shoulders and asking repeatedly if  they want him 
to open the egg.  This "confident Harry" was TOTALLY new in  many ways, and 
one I LOVED!
Rupert (isn't it funny how most of us, and even Dan in some interviews,  call 
him "Ron" while everyone calls Dan and Emma "Dan" and "Emma"?  I guess  
Rupert really does embody Ron even to those who know him!  LOL!)   Definitely him 
getting the dress robes; him asking Harry to murder him when he  sees the two 
of them in their robes; his resentful "piss off" comment -- really,  
everything.  Rupert really came into his own in this film, and I'm SO  relieved the 
screenwriter finally let Ron be Ron and made Hermione NOT be  "super!Hermione" and 
have so many of the boys' lines anymore!
Emma:  Definitely the angry scene after the ball with Ron; her cute  little 
giggle and wave at Harry when she and Viktor are coming into the ball;  there 
were others, but those are the ones I liked best.
Alan Rickman:  Shooting his cuffs before bopping the boys on the  head!  
Gleeson:  The ferret scene and his wink at Harry afterwords (and his  "he 
might have said something" when McG reprimanded him).  Really, the  *energy* he 
brought to the part was wonderful!  I loved his portrayal of  Mad-Eye!  I'm 
glad Mad-Eye is in OoP as well!
Gambon:  Ending scene with Harry.  I liked him "needing" to make  that 
comment about the curtains before he could apologize to Harry, and the  tenderness 
he showed to Harry there.
Coultrane:  The blissful look when he's dancing with Madam Maxime, and  gets 
in trouble for his wandering hand.  heehee
Matt Lewis:  "I killed Harry Potter!" and "I stayed out to midnight --  ME!" 
both were precious, as was he dancing by himself in the dorm.  I'm  glad he 
got more screen time.  I like Neville a lot!
ANYTHING with the twins, but Fred (?) asking Angelina was so cute, and them  
saying that phrase five times fast in the dance class was very funny, and 
their  antics around the GoF were hysterical!  Those two are so cute and funny --  
I hope they find good parts after the HP franchise runs out!
I loved Cedric and was surprised by how much I liked Viktor, but I didn't  
like Fleur.  She simply wasn't at all like I envisioned her.  I  expected 
butt-length platinum hair, always worn loose (we read about her "sheet"  of hair, 
and this girl simply didn't have it -- why not give her a wig or  extensions, 
for pete's sake??).  Malfoy's wig looked funny (that  wasn't  his real hair -- 
couldn't have been -- it looked too different from  his own hair).  I guess 
they were trying to make him look like his dad  (whose wig is gorgeous!)  I'm SO 
GLAD they got rid of that anonymous  strange black boy from Gryffindor who was 
in PoA!!!!  It creeped me out  that he got lines that could easily have been 
given to Dean or Seamus!  
I guess that's my list for now, after two viewings.  Maybe my opinion  will 
change after I see it more times, time will tell!
Lynda AKA "Abraxan"

Read my Harry Potter fics here:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPRefinersFire/

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