IMAX seating, etc.

artsylynda at artsylynda at
Sat Jan 7 03:54:10 UTC 2006

On the IMAX seating topic -- some theaters have ASSIGNED seating,  as I 
learned to my surprise when I went to the IMAX in Springdale OH.  Here  my friend 
and I were, choosing which seats  we wanted, when the folks we'd  entered 
behind told us those were the seats they'd TRIED to get, but they were  already 
sold.  So we looked at our tickets and found out we were higher up,  but still in 
the center.  They'd sold the center tickets first, all the way  up through 
the theater, then the ones on either side.  Our seats were still  excellent, 
just higher than we'd planned on being.
I went to "see Harry" (in GoF, LOL!) for the fifth time  today.  There were 
only three of us in the theater for the 12:20 showing --  and the only other 
showing today was 3:30, so I suppose the film will leave the  first-run theaters 
next week.  I spent this viewing looking for details I'd  overlooked.  Lo and 
behold, I saw stubble on Dan's lip and jaw every so  often!  heehee.  I'd 
just read an article online somewhere about the  guys who have to airbrush out 
the kids' pimples.  THe guy said for the next  one, he'd have to airbrush out 
stubble, so I looked for it, having heard Martha  Stewart very rudely comment on 
Dan's beard on her show (he said "I thought I'd  shaved pretty well this 
morning. . ."  Poor kid!  She was a TERRIBLE  interviewer!!) 
I noticed more details about the background in most scenes now that  I know 
the foreground so well.  I LOVE the detail they have in the  scenes!  The 
desserts on the Gryffindor table for the Welcome Feast were  amazing!
When GoF hits the dollar theaters, I'll probably go a few more  times to try 
to see more of the details -- it will be easier to do on a big  screen than on 
a home screen with a DVD!  But I'm looking forward to the  DVD too!

I noticed on Leaky that some British group named scenes that would be  
included in the DVD -- will the Brits get different DVDs than us???  There  were a 
lot more and different scenes listed than I'd read were to be included in  our 
DVD.  If they're going to have a different version, I want one  too!!!  argh. 
. .

Lynda AKA "Abraxan"

Read my Harry Potter fics here:

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