Cuts and Bruises
dragonjcndm2 at
dragonjcndm2 at
Tue Jan 31 23:05:23 UTC 2006
"Incidentally, what p*sses me off even more than the sight of a bunch
of middle-aged women drooling (yes, that's the word) over a 16 year-old"
Pshaaaw!! Calling the kettle black are we? LOL. While I'm not middle-aged, I am older than Mr. Radcliffe and it's plainly clear that he is/will be a very handsome young man. I'm rather amused at the surprise/anger of some people over someone being attractive (darn that human nature!). As someone else mentioned, I see it quite common among men to oggle over a younger woman but for some reason women will get the flack for the opposite effect? Yeah....ok. Enough said. I weep for the human race when we come to the point of being arrested for looking at another attractive person. Take me downtown officer....
Proud Member of Gryffindor House
Harry's To-Do List
1. Get Up
2. Survive
3. Go Back To Bed
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