Notes on character portrayal
laurenmcoakley at
Fri Mar 17 20:47:55 UTC 2006
--- In HPFGU-Movie at, Karen <kchuplis at ...> wrote:
> There are many things that go into successfully creating a
> In Potterverse, moving from page to screen, there is a challenge
> many of the actors in not becoming a cartoon representation,
> particularly with certain characters. IMO, there are a few real
> standouts in the HP cast, and perhaps the single most important
> element that makes these portrayals an uncontested success is the
> ability to deliver the dialogue, to find the character's voice.
> Two particular favorites of mine are Snape and Hagrid.
> Snape's introductory speech is one such example. Speaking of
> he is able to caress each phrase - make them sing. It's almost a
> (which helped me imagine his healing of Draco in Book 6 easily).
> Therefore, when he addresses Harry the first time, his use of
> bitten off phrases automatically "pop" and the viewer, even never
> having read the books would pick up on a psychological imperative
> between Snape and Harry. The manner of his speech - not just the
> but the physical sounds- cue us to the fact that addressing "our
> ceelbrity" is akin to having his teeth pulled. Another favorite
line of
> his for me is in PoA when Snape encounters Lupin after he has
> Harry with the Maurader's map in the hall. We hear a similar
> bitten off phrase "Lu-pin" snapped off. And then "Out for a little
> the moonlight." There is an added layer just in the
> that he delivers this. The slight stresses on Lupin and moonlight
> the smallest touch of mockery; popping the "p" in Lupin and
> the "ooo" in moonlight. So, we who know the books well know why,
> even without this, after that one small phrase anyone viewing and
> listening is left with a slightly uncomfortable feeling of having
> witnessed, as an outsider, a jibe between two people with a
> Well, this has become a novel but I was just thinking about how
> these actors are and how they have helped to make the movies more
> fulfilling than they might have been if they were just wrote
> of the books on celluloid. I think this goes across the board for
> eccentric characters; Lockhart, McGonnagall, Trelawney and Mad-Eye
> deserve special mention. I simply love their line delivery!
And now Lauren:
First of all, it KILLS me to snips any of this because this post is
beautiful. Karen, I LOVE THIS! To anyone reading this, if you
haven't read Karen's original post, I beg you to please read post
#12438. You won't regret it!
This was such a great point, and really screams aloud how lucky *we*
are to have such talent in these films. This series could so easily
be passed off as children's fodder and be watered down with sub-
standard plots and characters and actors. I think this franchise
knows in its heart how many adults are vested in this story. Though
we all have our gripes with little things here and there in these
films, it's really because of the high level of entertainment we
receive that the movie fans stay movie fans of this series.
I would like to add to Karen's list Rita Skeeter's character- she
was so perfectly nasty!
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