daniel on extras

artsylynda at aol.com artsylynda at aol.com
Sat Sep 9 16:18:49 UTC 2006

Mugglenet.com has it.  I watched it twice, but the second  time, it stopped 
before it got to the end.  Be forewarned - Dan says a bad  word, talks about 
hard liquor (asks for it, actually) and flips a condom across  a diner. . .it's 
bawdy but funny.  He's very cute in it.  And his hair  is longer than in the 
last OoP pics I saw of him (and his recent pics with Page  of 
DanRadcliffe.co.uk, who just visited him), so it's closer to what the guy in  the Equus clip 
looked like.  I don't know when he filmed "Extra" with all  his OoP work, but I 
know TV filming goes pretty fast.  

Lynda AKA "Abraxan"

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