Computer Animation (was: DH Movie Speculation)
bboyminn at
Sat Dec 29 18:31:52 UTC 2007
--- "eggplant107" <eggplant107 at ...> wrote:
> Alicia:
> > I wouldn't care if the movie was 6 hours long,
> > would any real Potter fan?
> I'd love a very long Potter movie too, but the problem is
> money. The Potter films cost more than a million dollars a
> minute and no studio could afford to make a 6 hour movie
> unless the quality went way down. At least that's true now,
> perhaps in a few years when the cost of computer animation
> comes way down (and everything about computers is getting
> cheaper) they could make movies of all 7 books and not
> change one thing or delete one subplot or change one word of
> dialog.
> Eggplant
I don't think the movie would really have to go to the extreme
of 6 hours, but a full 3 to 3.5 hours would be fine. I want
them to really do justice to the last film. Plus there are
many plot lines that are probably necessary for the final
story that got dropped from the other movies. So, they are
going to have to squeeze those facts in somehow, for the rest
to make sense.
What bothers me most is how thin they have cut the existing
movies. Frequently the usable Deleted Scene don't add up to
more than about 10 to 15 minutes of additional movie, and
if included, they would have made the movie make more sense.
They would have given the movie more continuity. Notice that
when the movie appear on TV, the deleted scenes are usually
edited back into the movie. That should tell you that they
have some real value.
I can understand trimming hours off of a movie, but to trim
out 10 minutes. Are people really going to get up and walk
out because the movie is 10 minutes longer; I don't think
Also, keep in mind that one minute of movie time can
represent hours of book time. In the books we frequently
have long narrations that don't exist in the same way in
the movie. Since things are represented visually rather
than explained in narration, they can occur faster in
the movies.
While I do think the latest movie was very well made, I
think the story sacrificed because, while it was the best,
it was also the shortest. Just as an illustration, I think
it would have made sense to take a minute and make Ron and
Hermione Prefects because that would have given Ron some
authority when he later challenges Seamus. Again, 10 to
15 minutes more movie could have really fleshed out the
I also object to Ron's storyline being cut back to almost
nothing in every movie but the first one. Hopefull the
next movie, which features Ron a little more, will allow
Rupert more screen time.
Just a few thoughts.
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