[HPFGU-Movie] Re: Question for parents

Valerie Flowe valerie.flowe at verizon.net
Tue Nov 6 05:21:10 UTC 2007

>  Carol:
> To return to the question of kids, if they don't know that DD is going 
> to die, they may
>  find this movie disturbing,
> JKR promised Dan Radcliffe a death scene and, of course, it's 
> essential to the plot. Kids may have
>  to be forewarned; this is one case where I think they should have
>  either read the book or had it read to them before they see the film.
>  I suppose that a kid who can handle DD's death can handle Harry's, but
>  I certainly wouldn't take a child who found the HBP film disturbing.
Point well taken Carol. I never want to spoil a movie for someone, but 
it is important to prepare my kids for these upcoming major deaths. As 
far as my husband, I'll leave him in the dark! (He won't read the books 
either!) I didn't want to tell him about DD's demise, but he overheard 
it on the radio. Darn!

>  Valerie:
>  > Harry Potter, books and movies alike, are what they are. This is the
>  story and world that JK Rolling created, and it should not be altered
>  to cater to every age-group of the movie-going audience.
>  Carol:
>  But the films have been altered in various ways, especially from PoA
>  onward--scenes added, scenes cut, scenes altered, lines given to a
>  different character.

I still don't have to like it, even though I understand why they do it, 
for the most part! :-)
I was watching GOF again yesterday, and it bugged me how much they 
changed the plot (Crouch Jr. with Voldemort in the beginning, him 
casting the spell, instead of Winky (or am I getting that wrong??) And 
what the heck would he have been doing in the Ministry of Magic? He 
didn't work there did he? Was he just hanging out watching 'Daddy' 
work?? And was it both him, Bella's husband and Bella that tortured 
Neville's parents to insanity? Crouch says he did it, in GOF; then 
Bella says she did it, in OotP?? Neville with the gillyweed instead of 
Dobby. OK, I'll quit whining now...I do love the movies, even though 
the writers/directors change more than I'd like them too. The special 
effects are phenomenal; the acting usually first-rate. Not a shoddy 
production that's for sure!

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