Getting it right in the films (Was: Question for parents)

va32h va32h at
Wed Nov 7 16:06:04 UTC 2007

--- In HPFGU-Movie at, "Carol" <justcarol67 at ...> wrote:

> Well, yes. But it was Barty Jr. who had the twitch in the first place,
> before he became Fake!Moody (as we see in the Pensieve scene), and his
> father recognized it in Fake!Moody before he was killed. But why a
> tongue twitch? Something to do with Slytherin and snakes? We don't
> even know that Barty Jr. was from Slytherin, and he's not a
> Parselmouth. It just made him look mad (which he was) and served to
> identify him, but didn't tie in with anything else in the movie or the
> book. It was just thrown in out of nowhere like the shrunken heads
in PoA.


I seriously doubt the scriptwriter (or director, or whomever came up
with the twitch) thought about snake-Slytherin symbolism.  They needed
a physical tic that would be very obvious - that the movie-goer would
see Barty Jr. and Fake!Moody having the same twitch and (hopefully)
get the hint that the two were the same. An eye-twitch is probably too
subtle...they don't have the same voice so a stutter or vocal tic
wouldn't work...Moody already has a peg leg so they can't do a limp or
anything...really the tongue's about the only thing left.

Yes, you've nailed it - it was meant to make Barty Jr. look crazy and
identify him as Fake!Moody and that's it.   


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