Casting For the Half Blood Prince

Carol justcarol67 at
Tue Sep 11 03:19:01 UTC 2007

Michelle Chandler wrote:
> I had this conversation just today regarding casting for Narcissa:
I'd put forth either Nicole Kidman or Cate Blanchett for the part.

Carol responds:
Silly me, I thought Nicole Kidman was American. (Turns out she's from
Australia, but that might be enough to rule her out if the casting
directors want British actors only.) As for Cate Blanchett, I'd see
her and think "Galadriel"--altogether the wrong image (and I don't
like the sinister edge that she or Peter Jackson or the scriptwriters
gave to that character, anyway). Also, maybe it's just me, but I think
she looks like JKR. I think Narcissa should be more beautiful as
opposed to attractive. 

I'm trying to think what British actress I'm familiar with could play
both a heartless, bigoted snob (the Madam Malkin scene and the DH
scene in which Hermione is tortured) and a tearful beauty begging a
stern man to protect her son ("Spinner's End"). All the women I can
think of are too young for the part. I suppose Nicole Kidman could
manage pretty well (and she's the right age), but I think it would be
really fun if they put Helena Bonham-Carter in a blonde wig, minus the
vamp outfit, and had her play a dual role as Narcissa and Bellatrix.

Carol, who just found to her surprise that Cate Blanchett is also

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