[HPFGU-Movie] Re: Seeing OOTP

Cassandra Wladyslava cassandra.wladyslava at gmail.com
Thu Jan 3 18:07:53 UTC 2008


<snip>the entire fairly huge thread about Luna's dad, the Quibbler,
Rita's comeback, the INTERVIEW, all of it, POOF! GONE! I know that if
it took me this long, then maybe it wasn't important, at least some
might say that, but no. When you are watching this rocket-paced movie,
you don't have any time to think, think about what should have been,
because this version comes at you like gangbusters. <snip>

Me:  I totally forgot about that whole storyline 0.0!  I'd say they'll
probably at least bring the Quibbler up in DH, but I'm not so sure of that.
They may just make Luna's dad be a nutty inventor/conspiracy theorist.  As
for Rita's Comeback...it''s been a long time since I've watched GoF.  Did
they even have the whole "Hermione finds out Rita is an illegal animagus"
bit? I can't remember.  They are important points, but I can see why they
were left out. Especially the whole interview in the Quibbler bit.  We know
people don't believe Harry's story and we know Umbridge is taking over the
school/oppressing the students.  It might've seemed redundant to bring up
those points again, even if it was in a different storyline.

Here are some things I had problems with/wanted to see:

The dementor attack.  As a reader of the books it irked me that the lights
in that tunnel stayed on.  True it would be hard to do the scene in pitch
black....but just the same...

The part where Ron calls Snape a git and Hermione says something like "He's
on our side now." and Ron says "Doesn't stop him being a git." I LOVED that
line! I know it wasn't important, but I wish they'd have kept it in.

Snape vs. Sirius.  We briefly hear them arguing when Harry and the gang are
listening with the extendable ears, but that's it and that's hard to hear (I
had to put the subtitles on).

Umbridge vs. McGonagall. I would've LOVED to see this.  I can see why they
didn't put it in...but those were some of my favorite parts in the book.  It
did bother me that McGonagall took a step down when she and Umbridge were
arguing.  It did make Umbridge's character seem more threatening, placing
her on top (symbolism of her dictatorship?)...but Book!McGonagall wouldn't
have done that.

The apple.  Why did Luna throw that apple to the Thestral?

St. Mungos/Seeing the Longbottoms.  Again...I understand why this was cut,
but that scene with Neville and the Droobles wrapper was so touching!

The DA vs. The DE.  Now, this was a change I liked.  The whole chase scene
in the book made the DE's seem weak and far less threatening.  I think
Lucius Malfoy put it best "...Were you truely naive enough to think that
children stood a chance against US?"

Harry beating the possession.  His whole spiel about "You'll never know
love!" just reeked of the Sirus/Remus "This is your true heart! I'm going to
hug the lycanthropy out of you!" bit in PoA, which always bothered me.

Snape slapping Harry around/Hitting Ron with the book.  I've always thought
that Snape's outbursts in the book were made much more powerful by the fact
that he was usually always incontrol and only resorted to violence when he
was really upset.   I'd bring up the "Thou shalt not manhandle the
students!" bit of Dumbledore's in the book...but after the GoF body
slam....*shakes head*

Trewalney and McGonagall.  I do think McGonagall's comforting Trewlaney was
better in the book since we knew more about their relationship.

Snape's Worst Memory.  No Lily.  Also, James uses "Impedimenta!" to get
Snape in the air.

Levicorpus!  Harry doesn't learn about this until HBP, and yet the DA are
practicing it in the RoR!

"Harry Potter. Rescue Mission"   I loved that little bit XD!

Super!Hermione.  The movie version of Hermione's been irking me.  Some of
her actions just seem...unHermione-ish.  LIke the way she reprimands Grawp.
And speaking of which...

Grawp.  The movie made him seem like just some giant toddler.  I think they
should've played up the whole "Hagrid's crazy for bringing a Giant here!"
bit instead.

Lol, I was only going to name a few points...but then more kept popping into
my head.  XP


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