[HPFGU-Movie] Re: Trailer?

AnitaKH anita_hillin at yahoo.com
Wed May 14 20:26:55 UTC 2008

Carol <justcarol67 at yahoo.com> kindly replied to zpavri, who asked about an upcoming trailer, then signed it with:                             
 Carol, who will no doubt end up seeing "Prince Caspian" in one of the
 theaters that *doesn't* show the HBP trailer!
akh commiserates:

That's the story of my life!  I went to some movie I was not planning to see  (Elf, maybe, or one of the animated features) ONLY because I had heard that the  HP trailer was appearing with it, only to get everything BUT the latest Harry Potter movie.  It was especially galling, because another friend of mine had seen it in that very theatre!  It's one of those 18-screen behemoths, though, so I suppose they might have had different trailers on different screens.    I'm also very adept at missing the television trailers, too, even when I try hanging out at Nickelodeon.  Thank heavens for the internet.

akh, who hopes she doesn't have to watch a movie she had no intention of seeing, just to get the HP trailer.  At least I was already planning to see "Prince Caspian."

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