Beazor Revisited

Child Of Midian md at
Wed Aug 5 06:57:38 UTC 2009

Just saw the film again today with my daughter (her first viewing) and paid
particular attention to certain things that have been brought up here. As
for the Beazor issue (the "shove a beazor down his throat" being in the book
but not in the film,) Though Harry does walk in to the end of the
first-year's potion class, Slughorn only says something along the lines of
"I'll tell you more about beaor's tomorrow" and not what it is or what it
does. In fact, it only made me feel more like it should have been fresh in
Slughorn's mind and not Harry's when Ron was poisoned. 


I also decided that the Burrow attack will never make sense, never fit but
had a very strong emotional impact (Ginny runs through fire for him!!!) and
Ron sitting out the final scene will never sit right or even make any sense
what-so-ever. I did, however, note that Snape had Harry at wand-point for a
moment before lower it and telling Harry to wait. I almost think the right
idea to change it, if you HAVE to change it, would have been for Snape to
petrify Harry before killing DD. But, on second, closer viewing Harry
standing under there, maybe thinking DD and Snape were about to take out the
Death Eater's together works a little better. I also realized that Hermione
states she searched for the HBP but didn't find anything, why including that
but not having anything come out of it was pointless.



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