Movie Discussion, Things to Come

potioncat willsonkmom at
Tue Jan 20 03:20:38 UTC 2009

Potioncat enters, holding a tea towel. She looks around and 
comments,"You know, I can never remember if these are for drying 
dishes or drying hands."  She holds it up for everyone to see. "Isn't 
it pretty? I don't think I'd use it for either purpose, and I can see 
why elves make clothing out of them."

I'm not an elf---just wanted to make that clear. But several of us 
are setting up a discussion thread for the movies. We're using the 
main list chapter discussions as our model. Everyone is free to add 
their own questions, and hopefully, different threads will take off. 

We'll discuss the movies in whatever way flows. I don't think we'll 
worry about spoilers. If anyone wants us to, speak now or forever 
hold your peace. 

We're taking volunteers if anyone else would like to write a summary 
and questions. Just e-mail me off-list.  

SS/PS should be ready by this weekend, or possibly the beginning of 
next week, unless of course it's held up till the middle of the week. 
Like I said, we aren't elves. No firm schedule at this point.

Potioncat lifts the tea towel again. "Boy, the list elves must be 
tiny! Just think how many of these it would take to make a tunic for 
me!" She looks up and sees the toil the mental math is taking. "It 
was a rhetorical question! Sheesh! Go watch the movie." 

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