[HPFGU-Movie] Re: What do we know about Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows?

Child Of Midian md at exit-reality.com
Fri Jul 31 00:32:46 UTC 2009

I hope you're right on both counts, Zanooda. I would also be disappointed if
they don't show at least brief glimpses of little Severus & Lily. And I
really liked the actor they cast in OotP as teenaged Snape.

Siriusly Snapey Susan


There's no one cast for young Snape or Lilly. The way the films have
portrayed Snape as simply hating Harry because of his father, it looks like
they are sticking with that until the end. They have never brought up who
told Voldy about the prophecy or Harry blaming Snape for his parents death.
I don't think the films will ever touch at why Snape was ever a death-eater,
the focus is clearly on Harry's story and what they need to show to tell



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