[HPFGU-Movie] Re: HP does not better in the summer than Fall

Child of Midian md at exit-reality.com
Tue Jun 23 20:56:02 UTC 2009



From: HPFGU-Movie at yahoogroups.com [mailto:HPFGU-Movie at yahoogroups.com] On
Behalf Of Lady of Imladris

Chris Coloumbus was probable the better of  the first directors of the Harry
Potterfilms. They are deep and thoughtful and tell teh whole story unlike
some of the others example - 
Prizoner of Azkaban (which felt more like a Harry Potter for dummies
novel).. I felt like the Prizoner of Azkaban movie was the movie that all
the writers/directors/producers forgot. Its like they just read the first
page and said this will be good enough. 

I thought, when Columbus was announced to direct, what a horrible mistake.
Home Alone, bad, Mrs. Doubtfire, horrible. Then I saw SS and thought, yep, I
was right, he has no style whatsoever, the story is stagnant, the acting
wooden, the camera stiff. 

As for POA, yeah, abridged but excellent in every way. It was the first film
that really bonded non-readers to the films. It's cinematic, stylish, well
acted and concentrates on characters as much as plot. I think POA and OOTP
are the best of the five.



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