tripchick at
Sun Jul 17 16:39:03 UTC 2011
On Jul 17, 2011, at 7:41 AM, HPFGU-Movie at wrote:
So, those who saw it 3D. was it worth it? Did the scenes really pop? I
remember seeing OotP in 3D but they only had like 10 minutes of it
filmed in 3D. Is the entire DH2 movie 3D? I think I'll have to see it
just to get the commemorative HP 3D glasses, hah!
saw it in IMAX 3D. Love the IMAX, the 3D not so much, because I wear glasses to begin with, so the 3D glasses really makes it uncomfortable. Anyway....
Spoilers, I suppose, though we've all read the book, no?
The 3D effects. For me, personally, it really didn't do much. I saw Prisoner of Azkaban in Imax 3D too, and the Buckbeak/Harry flying over the lake scene was just absolutely spectacular there. That was breathtaking and so emotional and remains one of my favourite HP scenes.
In this movie, I don't think it really added *that* much. Probably, because I have a snake phobia, I had to look away for the scenes in which that slithery thing dominated the screen. But to listen to my son's gf going 'ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww', (and she's a tougher cookie than me when it comes to screen gore), I suppose Nagini really did strike fear.
The dragon flying escape from Gringott's was kinda neat, she appears to fly right out over the audience (and although I didn't see it myself, I'm sure Nagini slithered right out over us too....yyyyuck!), and every time there was a long establishing shot of Hogwarts, there'd be a Dementor or Death Eater flying in over heads too.
The one thing that did seem cool in 3D to me, was the confetti effect after Bellatrix and Voldemort disintegrated. I felt like I was being showered by their ash/confetti/ick ......almost needed a shower myself after that LOL! ...
I think it was more the IMAX and the giant screen though, than the 3D. That's worth the extra cost.
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