[HPFGU-NewYork] Re: Boston: Proposed gathering

Starling starling823 at ...
Fri Apr 6 20:14:18 UTC 2001

Hey Sinead...
At this point, it's more likely that i can't come than i can :-p.
the good thing about being a student is i get to stay on my parent's insurance. the pesky part of that is when i need to see my good friend the doctor, i have to hike home...and it looks i'm gonna get stuck with a friday appointment.  blargh...
should anything change, i will let you all know...cross your fingers!

Abbie, who is going to eat an apple, just in case 
69% obsessed with HP and loving it
"Ah, music," Dumbledore said, wiping his eyes.  "A magic beyond all we do here!"
          -HP and the Sorcerer's Stone

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sinead Clements 
  To: HPFGU-NewYork at yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, 06 April, 2001 4:05 PM
  Subject: [HPFGU-NewYork] Re: Boston: Proposed gathering

  > Time: I can meet April 17th, 18th, 24th, or 25th

  Perfect! I was suggesting a Boston gathering in chat last sunday 
  or the sunday before... not sure. 

  I'm in a very good area (smack in the middle of Bostonia, Boston 
  Common is nearby, North End is a couple of T stops away 
  although I had to have a taxi find a store I wanted to go in the 
  north end.... I'm willing to meet someone at Haymarket Square to 
  go to the North End). There's a very good pub in Haymarket 
  Square that has food that's mentioned in Harry Potter, oh it's 
  wonderful! (It's called The Black Rose (Roisin Dubh's), and it's a 
  good lunch place, not sure of the size... being a pub it's quite 
  small.. the bar takes up most of the space LOL... but we can go 
  for a drink (non-alcoholic for me due to being so close to 20... 

  Back to NYC: 

  BTW, since Jim and I have met before, I'd like to meet Jim in 
  Penn Station on Friday. Starling can meet us there if she can. I'll 
  catch a 6:00 am train that comes around 10 am (9:40 am but last 
  time it was late) or a later train that comes around noontime, 
  which would be somewhat perfect since we're gonna have lunch 
  again. (this time I'm definitly leaving at 1:30 am!).  Which train 
  should I go on: the one that arrives around 10 am or the one that 
  arrives at 12:20? Got to hurry though.. they're selling out on train 
  tickets for the early times. (i'd like a response soon.... what's your 
  best advice, 6 or 7 train?) 


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