Labor Day

meboriqua at ... meboriqua at ...
Sat Aug 18 01:18:32 UTC 2001

--- In HPFGU-NewYork at y..., "Joy" <joym999 at a...> wrote:
> It looks like I might be in NY on Labor Day weekend.  Didnt someone 
> say something about a get-together on Labor Day?  That would be 
> Monday, Sept. 3, if I can read my calendar right.  I am dying for 
> some good dim sum>

Labor Day is my very last day of summer vacation, so I won't be much 
good for a get together then.  However, if you're around that Saturday 
(I don't know how late you'll be getting to the city), I should be 
around.  *Sigh*  Talking about the end of my summer break is 

If John hasn't gone back to school yet, I'm willing to bet he'll be up 
for some dim sum, though. :-)

We'll figure something out!

--jenny from ravenclaw****************************************

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