Visit to NYC... update (restaurants - Plan B ... perhaps)

Neil Ward <> neilward at
Wed Jan 29 18:41:51 UTC 2003

I wrote:

<< Re. the restaurant search for my Board dinner, we decided to make 
a tentative booking of the private dining room at the Gramercy  
Tavern. >>

Sarah replied with a proposed plan, but then realised I'd booked 

Sarah, hold that thought!  The reason I made a tentative booking is 
that if the numbers dropped below 12, the minimum charge at the 
Gramercy Tavern would start to look rather prohibitive and we'd have 
to move to Plan B.  It's heading that way now, with several Directors 
not able to attend for one reason or another.

I would still be interested in hearing suggestions on restaurants 
near the hotel, especially venues that don't impose unreasonable 
restrictions on numbers, menu choices and so on.  

Sorry to bore everyone with this instead of helping decide where *we* 
should all be meeting.  

By all means email me off list!


Neil (flights are booked now and have the tickets!)

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