next weekend
Jenny from Ravenclaw <>
meboriqua at
Sun Feb 23 01:37:40 UTC 2003
--- In HPFGU-NewYork at, "Joy M <joym999 at a...>"
<joym999 at a...> wrote:
> I will definitely be in NY next weekend. I'm leaving Saturday
afternoon free to hang out with all of you, although I'll probably
need to be elsewhere Saturday night. Do we have any plans? Any
tentative plans? Anyone have any schedule restrictions or
preferences for Saturday?>
Gah - I hate when AOL cuts me off mid-posting. Now I have to start
all over again. Here goes - I think Grand Central Station is an easy
place to meet and find others. If we all stand around the information
booth which is right in the middle of the main concourse, we should
find one another without too much difficulty. If someone dares me, I
might even wear a "Hi, my name is Jenny from Ravenclaw!" sticker or
even make a pretty sign. :-)
I also think DTUT is a great place to go, but not necessarily for
lunch. Neil suggested having a later place to meet up for latecomers,
and DTUT would be a good place for that. The treats are yummy and we
can even make s'mores (mmmmmmmm), as I told Neil already.
How do people feel about having lunch in the area of DTUT? I know the
Upper East Side better than any other part of the city and could
easily find a good place to eat. We could go to a yummy pizza place
for Neil (Totonno's or Uno's) or get great macaroni and cheese at The
Comfort Diner. If anyone wants anything else - burritos? Thai? - we
can find it within blocks of DTUT.
If anyone has travel worries, feel free to email me and I am sure I
can point you in the right direction, as can Joywitch, who has spent
many an hour on the NYC city subways (that's what she told me,
How does that sound?
--jenny from ravenclaw ********************
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