[HPFGU-NewYork] Re: Upcoming Meet

Amy Z lupinesque at lupinesque.yahoo.invalid
Wed Feb 26 01:21:25 UTC 2003

Hi all!

My food preferences:  veggie.  Lacto-ovo fine.  Fish
wonderful, but I will refrain in order to spare
Jenny's nose.

I doubt I will be uptown in time to meet you all at
Grand Central--I might still be on City Island as late
as 1.  Having a couple of times/places, and having
Neil's cellphone turned on, helps a lot--that way I
should be able to find you.

Bouncing up and down in my seat,

It's better than Malfoy's . . . It's NIMBUS 2003
Florida, July 17-20, 2003
Register at http://www.hp2003.org/

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