Big Brother
catherine at
catherine at
Sat Apr 14 10:42:53 UTC 2001
--- In HPFGU-OTChatter at y..., Angela Boyko <aboyko at n...> wrote:
> Al wrote:
> >Interesting how different it is here. In the UK, Big Brother was
> >awesome success, the final episodes were drawing 9 million viewers
> >(which is very good indeed in the UK), the website was getting
> >hundreds of thousands of hits a day during the Nasty Nick
debacle. I
> >was a very avid viewer, and I took part in the phone votes too.
> >Anyway, we haven't had Survivor yet, though I heard somewhere
> >making a version with an Australian network.
> I've read some articles on Nasty Nick - wasn't he lying to the
> housemates about being recently widowed or something? And was
> by the producers?
> The US version was not that great. I watched it because it was like
> something gross that you couldn't help looking at. Everyone except
> William was trying so hard to get along and not make waves. And
they had
> some dumb-ass challenges too.
> Angela
Nasty Nick was quite incredible. He lied to everyone, and was Mr,
Machiavelli, he was so manipulative. He convinced everyone he was on
their side, and, during some of the first evictions when the evictees
found out who had nominated them, when they saw the part he had
played they were speechless with shock. The remaining contestants
worked it out in the end, but watching it unravel was interesting.
I watched a summary programme of the other "Big Brothers." All I
remember of the American one, was a young woman addressing a man
saying "I haven't decided whether I like you or not, yet." And
proceeded to go into a monologue about why. The guy just sat there
and listened. How on earth is one supposed to react to that?!
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