[HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: multiple copies
Sheryll Townsend
s_ings at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 27 15:06:22 UTC 2001
--- catherine at cator-manor.demon.co.uk wrote:
> --- In HPFGU-OTChatter at y..., storm <msmacgoo at o...>
> wrote:
> > This is very tragic, I bought a new copy of PoA
> today (and I would
> have bought
> > GoF but they were out) because I can't take it
> that mine are STILL
> out on loan.
> > I could have given the money to charity, I could
> have done a heap
> of things. I
> > feel completely self indulgent.
> >
> > But I'm much happier.
> Why, oh why do my messages keep being eaten?
> Don't worry about multiple copies. I am the same.
> I go so far as
> having my "best" almost untouched, favourite copies
> which sit on the
> shelf to be admired and looked at (and smelt, I love
> the smell of
> books). Then I have the ones which I will on
> occasion lend out. I
> have stopped doing this frequently though, because
> so many people do
> not have the same regard for books as I do - they do
> not reread, and
> therefore cannot understand why I am desperate to
> have my favourites
> returned to me. I have bought several copies of
> some of my
> favourites over the years, because I do not like the
> thought that I
> may some day want to read something again which is
> long since gone.
> Rereading: I would expect that most people on this
> list can relate
> to the concept. My husband cannot understand it.
> However, now he
> realises what I am like, everytime I come home with
> new books, he
> says "Not more books - haven't you got enough yet?"
> It also took me
> a long time to train him to appreciate that they had
> a place in our
> house. It took me four years to actually get a
> bookcase into the
> house - prior to that he wanted them stored in
> boxes, under the
> stairs or in the garage. It was one of the few
> times I put my foot
> down. I don't think that enjoying the sight of a
> well stocked
> bookcase is unusual though - is it? I find it very
> satisfying.
> Catherine, who lives in hope of a bigger house with
> her own, personal
> library in it.
I stopped lending out books because I can't afford to
buy multiple copies. The farthest my books go now is
into my daughter's bedroom, where I know they will
eventually resurface if I force her to clean her room
once and a while.
Catherine, the sight of a well stocked bookcase is
*very* satisfying. I am limited to 5 bookcases in this
house - 2 in the bedroom, 2 in the living room and one
in the kitchen for cookbooks. Before we downsized into
this place I had 10 of them. I even had a bookcase on
the staircase landing going to the 2nd floor and in
the hallway alcove because I was running out of space.
I had to give away 23 bags of books when we moved.
Sigh. We have been in this house 4 years and I have
already run out of space and am piling books on the
dressing table and the filing cabinet. I, too, would
dearly love a place with my own library (perhaps when
we finally convert this house from a duplex back to a
single home!).
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste good with ketchup."
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