radical remedy

pbnesbit at msn.com pbnesbit at msn.com
Thu Aug 16 14:27:06 UTC 2001

--- In HPFGU-OTChatter at y..., naama_gat at h... wrote:
> How would you feel about closing the list (the mother list) to new 
members, at least for a 
> while? I have been feeling progressively disenchanted with the 
list, and I think that it is 
> due, in large part, to the enormous size it is now and the to high 
rate in which it grows. I 
> find the discussions less intelligent, less fun and less courteous. 
There is a sense of 
> ongoing friction which didn't exist before, at least not as I 
recall. When so many people 
> are joining, there isn't time for them to settle in before other 
new people join, and so it 
> goes on until it feels that the list has lost it's unique tone and 
> Naama, feeling like her favorite virtual place is sinking down in 

I've got to agree with Naama.  While I'm mostly a lurker, I've 
noticed a definite decline in the quality of some of the posts (both 
in tone and in grammar).  The same thing has happened to the PoU and 
the Paradise groups.  

Peace & Plenty, 


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