Ground Force (was BBC Rowling interview)

davewitley dfrankiswork at
Fri Dec 28 23:18:56 UTC 2001

Catherine Keegan wrote:
>  BBC American still doesn't have a listing for 
> this and they may not bother since they mostly show us wonderful 
sit coms 
> and the odd stuff like "Ground Force".  (What an odd show.  I've 
seen the 
> last five minutes a few times while waiting for AbFab or British 
> Behaving Badly.)
You have to be in the right post-modern, ironic mood for Ground 
Force.  Watch it for the double entendres.  For a short while it had 
a cult following here because Charlie Dimmock doesn't wear a bra.  If 
a female public figure is caught by the press not wearing a bra she 
may well make the front page under a headline such as 'X does a 
Dimmock'.  It happened to William Hague's wife Ffion.

It irritates real gardeners because, in order to achieve an overnight 
makeover, you have to overplant the garden, which is bad for its long 
term look.

I find it hard to believe that the JKR interview won't be shown.  
Perhaps the Beeb have sold it to another network?


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