[HPFGU-OTChatter] Question for Neil (was Re: Professions)
Sheryll Townsend
s_ings at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 3 00:17:07 UTC 2001
--- Neil Ward <neilward at dircon.co.uk> wrote:
> My job title is Director, which is fairly
> meaningless without
> additional details. I run an information service
> for the alcohol
> industry, monitoring information on health, social
> and legislative
> issues relating to alcoholic beverages. We maintain
> a web-based
> database, produce publications and deal with
> enquiries.
> If I try to explain what I do at house parties, most
> people either
> don't get it or they say "that sounds really
> interesting" (which
> translates as "I don't get it"). About 70% of
> people ask: "do you
> get given free booze?" We don't actually, but I do
> get the
> occasional free lunch or trip to a sponsored event
> (such as the visit
> the the Grand National I described a few months
> back).
> By trade, I still regard myself as a biologist
> (specifically, a
> toxicologist), and I previously worked for the UK's
> National Poisons
> Unit as a Clinical Biochemist. My current
> employers, of course,
> would rather I didn't mention poisons and alcohol in
> the same
> sentence.
> Now wasn't that interesting?
Actually, it was. But the question begs to be asked:
how do you get from toxicologist to what you're doing
now? And I can certainly understand your employers not
wanting poison and alcohol mentioned in the same
sentence <g>.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste good with ketchup."
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