some stuff that came in the e-mail

Rita Winston catlady at
Sat Jun 9 20:42:52 UTC 2001

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Harry Pottersong (was edress for Steve Mac)
Date: 08 Jun 2001 22:17:43 GMT
From: msminlr at aol.comstatic (Margaret Middleton)
Organization: AOL
References: <ZgnT6.1579$1Z3.138501 at>

>> Harry Potter
>> ttto 'Little Boxes' by Malvina Reynolds
[by SteveMac]

<snip lyric>

I saw a T-shirt this past weekend that came from BigDogs, with a 
spoof book cover on it of "Harry Pawter and the Gobble-it of Fur", by 
"J R Growling".  The guy had got it last summer; does anyone know if 
they still have that one in stock? I'd be willing to reimburse the 
purchase price plus mailing costs (if we couldn't arrange a fannish 


I also received a spam:

> I saw you're a member of a Harry Potter fan club, so I wanted to
> tell you about a book I've just written titled "The Magical Worlds
> of Harry Potter". It's all about the myths, legends, and 
> fascinating facts that JK Rowling uses so briiliantly - - from 
> alchemists to unicorns, from basilisks to veela.
> You can see sample pages from the book at its website: 

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