[HPFGU-OTChatter] A Wizarding Superstore? Help!

Neil Ward neilward at dircon.co.uk
Sun Jun 10 08:45:23 UTC 2001

Ebony asked:

<<If there was a wizarding version of the American superstore (Super
Wal-mart, Super K-Mart, Meijer's, etc.), what would it sell?  I'm  trying to
make a list of departments here...

 And before you say "this would never happen--this world is too
traditional--they wouldn't like it" rest assured that this conflict  of
interest is being exploited as a source of tension.>>

I think I know the sort of place you're thinking of.  It screams "cheap,
cheap, cheap!" as you walk through the door, and you can find great bargains
there if you are prepared to risk bumping into your neighbours also
pretending not to be there?

Not so much a superstore (and we do have that sort of thing here), but, in
London, we have a lot of small shops that sell "Everything under a pound" or
"Everything for 50p".     They stock the sort of thing I imagine Wal-mart
might stock: a mixture of tea-towels, huge packs of plastic pegs, hideous
china ornaments, cheap nail polish, no-brand batteries, novelty mirrors,
remaindered books, Barbie rejects, fake flowers, chipped crockery, drill
bits, sponges, noxious perfume, multipacks of nylon underpants, leaky pens,
torches, bin liners, garden furniture, plastic machine guns, soap dishes,
music boxes... that sort of thing.   That doesn't directly answer your
question, of course, but I'm sure you could translate some of those horrors.


Flying Ford Anglia

"The cat's ginger fur was thick and fluffy, but it was definitely
a bit bow-legged and its face looked grumpy and oddly
squashed, as though it had run headlong into a brick wall"
["The Leaky Cauldron", PoA]

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